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The Tailor'd K9 Way

Here at Tailor’d K9 Training, we understand that not every dog learns with the same techniques, methods, or tools the way others might. This  means our programs and services are constantly evolving and changing around your individual dog's needs and capabilities when they join our pack. Our training focuses on cultivating not only a strong and healthy relationship between owner and companion, but sound communication and boundaries as well. We strive to develop and curate collected, confident, well-balanced dogs who are ready to take on the world around them. Using both relationship based and balanced training methods, Tailor’d K9 teaches owners and pets how to navigate through the unexpected and grow alongside one another! With the help of balanced tools such as a Hermsprenger Prong Collar or a even just a slip leash, we aid in the start of clear, crisp communication with owner and dog that helps establish meaningful boundaries and expectations.


Methods & Tools

Balanced Dog Training:

What does that mean?

Balanced training utilizes all four quadrants of operant conditioning using both positive and negative reinforcement and punishment, as well as aspects from classical conditioning, to form healthy new habits, clear communication, and set boundaries and expectations! This means we reinforce the behaviors (treats, toys, praise, play) we want and correct those that we don’t (taking away toys/hands during play if nipping, applying pressure, verbal “no's”). It allows trainers to teach the dogs their behavior and choices has either a beneficial or consequential result. In order to teach dogs what is and isn’t acceptable, balance training comes with an endless tool box to develop healthy communication skills and boundaries between you and your dog. Balanced training helps develop structure within both you and your dog's lives, opening up endless possibilities for continual growth!

Training Resources- Amazon List

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